Through the group discussions we've had with our teacher, we can nearly perfect our ideas. But for now, we have a horror film opening that is mainly about the mystery of the story and the suspense it brings to our audiences. The main character will start drinking at the first location (Town Center), fully dressed up with a suit and tie, taking drinks (alcohol) and getting more drunk until he goes to the bathroom and passes out, this is part we are going to do a fading black effect, and the title and credits will play. Once he is awake, he will be in a forest, and he will be amazed at how and when he got there. Moreover, in the forest, he will have an increased heartbeat and panting throughout. While he is walking in the forest, he sees a sign that states "Do not continue". The main character will ignore this sign and take off his tie as he is trying to figure things out. As he leaves the tie on the floor, he will continue his plans. Later on, he will encounter a gruesome doll hanging using the tie that he left on the floor. As he is looking at the door, he gets a sudden tap on the shoulder, he turns back, and no one is there, when he turns back to look at the doll, she isn't there. An echoed laughing sound will play showing that the doll is still there but not in his view, and the opening scene ends. For the doll, we will purchase a doll online and customize it ourselves to our liking.
The doll we are buying:
What we want it to look like:
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