Friday, February 21, 2025

Mise-en-scene Props and Lighting

The props we've chosen are a doll, a tie, and fake shot glasses with apple juice to substitute for alcoholic drinks. Moreover, the doll we are buying is very clean and not scary, so we plan to beat it up and make it seem dirty, so it looks haunted and scary. The tie will take place when the main character is in the bar, and he will drop it once he is in the forest. This same tie will be used to rap around the doll's neck when she is hanging on the tree. Moreover, the shot glasses will take place in the bar, and it's very important for the passing out effect so the credits can be played, and is also very important in the forest where he wakes up and is confused.

Nevertheless, in the bar scene, we want it to be dim and brown, so it can set the mood for the rest of the film. This same set will continue as the first couple of scenes in our film opening. After the bar, we will be located in a forest, these similar tones of color will be important for our film opening. However, for the bar to be the color we want it is tricky since most bars have their own unique vibe, but we are hoping for the bar in Town Center to be a great spot for us to shoot our film opening in.

Moreover, the forest will be dim and will illustrate the mood perfectly since we want it to be dark and sinister. We want the forest to look somewhat like this, with the green showing and the brown from the dirt and trees also in the view. In other words, we chose these two colors (brown and green) to match with each other because we didn't want to set them to look completely different from each other, so we can go through the whole film opening with similar tones and moods. 

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